"Mr. Yoshiaki Hamza Yoshino, known affectionately as Ham-san, and his wife Reina have been visiting Shimoda year-round ever since they assisted a friend's child in making summer memories 13 years ago. Both avid surfers, they bring their laptops to work while enjoying their time in Shimoda, making it a perfect 'workation' destination. We interviewed them about the charm of Shimoda. Please take a look! (This time, we'll also provide an English translation to introduce the charm of Shimoda to English speakers.)Mr. Yoshiaki Hamza Yoshino, known affectionately as Ham-san, and his wife Reina have been visiting Shimoda year-round ever since they assisted a friend's child in making summer memories 13 years ago. Both avid surfers, they bring their laptops to work while enjoying their time in Shimoda, making it a perfect 'workation' destination. We interviewed them about the charm of Shimoda. Please take a look! (This time, we'll also provide an English translation to introduce the charm of Shimoda to English speakers.)"
"Yoshiaki Hamza Yoshino, will be referred to as Ham-san, who has a mother from Algeria and a father from Yamagata, is from Tokyo. His wife, Reina Yoshino, referred as Rei-san,originally from Zama, Kanagawa Prefecture. Ham-san's first visit to Shimoda dates back 13 years ago. It all began when he assisted his childhood friend's child in creating summer vacation memories. Hearing his childhood friend reminisce about being brought here by their parents when they were little, he thought, "Then let's go to Shimoda!" He and many others who revisit Shimoda as adults have fond memories of the town from their childhood. It's heartwarming to know that Shimoda remains a memorable town for both past and present generations."
すっかり下田通のお二人ですね、 お二人の定番の下田の過ごし方を教えてください。 "It seems like Ham-san and Reina-san are regulars in Shimoda! Let me ask you about your typical way of spending time in Shimoda."
プロポーズも下田で、というお二人。 都会の疲れを癒しつつも下田に暮らしているようなハイブリッドな過ごし方をされています。 翌日サーフィンを予定しているのに、楽しすぎて二日酔いになることもあるとか…。 それぞれ下田に滞在中にお仕事はしますか? "With their natural affinity for the sea, it's no surprise that they got engaged in Shimoda. Their lifestyle blends urban relaxation with a Shimoda-esque vibe, allowing them to recharge while feeling like locals. Despite planning for a day of surfing the next day, they sometimes have so much fun that they end up with a hangover the next morning—a testament to just how enjoyable their time in Shimoda can be! 😄 Ham-san and Reina-san, do either of you work (workation) while staying in Shimoda?"
ゲストからローカル側に溶け込むお二人の柔軟さとその魅力に感心してしまいます。 これもワーケーションの醍醐味ともいえそうです。 そうして生まれる繋がりはかけがえのないものですよね。 今後、下田で物件を探すことも検討中とのこと。 どんな物件があったら嬉しいですか? "It's truly impressive to see Ham-san and Reina-san embodying various forms of workations and seamlessly blending in with the local community. The connections that arise from this are truly invaluable, aren't they? It's wonderful to hear that you’re considering searching for a property in Shimoda. What kind of property would make you happy?"
最後に若いお二人から見る下田、これからの期待を込めて下田がどのように変化していくとより魅力が増すと思うかお話しを聞かせてください。 "Finally, we'd like to hear your thoughts on how Shimoda, from the perspective of a young couple, could become even more attractive with future changes. What are your expectations?"
ハムさんのお話しを聞いて、下田には守り続けたる価値のある食や文化、伝統があることを再認識しました。 物件探しのお話し中に『家屋に選ばれる』と話してくれましたが、とても素敵な表現でした。 お二人にピッタリな下田の家屋がハムさん、レイさんをいつか不思議な力で呼び寄せるような気がしてなりません。 インタビューご協力ありがとうございました。 "After hearing from Ham-san, I've come to appreciate once again the food, culture, and traditions in Shimoda that we want to preserve. During our discussion about property hunting, they mentioned being 'chosen by a dwelling,' which was a beautiful expression. It feels like the perfect home in Shimoda for Ham-san and Reina-san will someday beckon them with a mysterious force. Thank you both for your cooperation in the interview."