『子供の頃の楽しかった夏の記憶を胸に、親になってまた訪れる。家族の思い出に寄り添う下田に』"With childhood memories of joyful summers in our hearts, we revisit them as parents once again – Shimoda city, where we embrace family memories."
"Introducing the real-life daily routine of a family that travels between Shimoda and Tokyo. Dad enjoys surfing, while Mom spends time with the kids playing on the beach. We spoke to the W Family, where this blissful scene is part of their everyday life."
下田に来るようになったきっかけを教えてください。 "First of all, how many years have you been in Japan? What prompted you to start coming to Shimoda?"
たしかに、コロナ禍に一時的に下田に移住していた外国籍の方が本当に多かったです。Wファミリーもそうだったのですね。 現在は都内に戻り下田と東京を行き来しているとのことですが、下田でのお気に入りの過ごし方を教えてください。 "Indeed, there were many foreigners who temporarily relocated to Shimoda during the pandemic, and it seems the W Family was among them. As you're now commuting between Tokyo and Shimoda, could you share your favorite way to spend time in Shimoda?"
都会の喧騒を忘れ、ターコイズブルーに輝く海を眺め心も身体もリフレッシュして気を整えるのですね。夏だけでなく秋冬のビーチの良さも知っているとは、本当にすっかり下田ローカルのようです! "Forgetting the hustle of the city, gazing at the shimmering turquoise sea, refreshing both mind and body—what a way to reset and rejuvenate. And knowing the charms of the beach not just in summer but also in autumn and winter—you're truly locals of Shimoda now!"
ワーケーションについても聞いてみたいと思います。下田に滞在中にお仕事はしますか?また、どのようにお仕事していますか? "I'd like to ask about the workcation as well. Do you work while staying in Shimoda? If so, how do you manage your work during that time?"
関東圏から本格移住されている方々と情報交換したりもするとのこと。移住してきた方とすぐに情報交換できる距離感のコンパクトさも下田の魅力なのでしょう。 "It seems you exchange information with people who have moved from the Kanto region as well. The close-knit nature that allows for immediate information exchange with newcomers is also a charm of Shimoda, isn't it?" 下田で過ごすようになってから、ご自身や ご家族に影響していることを教えていただけますか。 “Since you started spending time in Shimoda, could you share how it has influenced you and your family?"
ポジティブなエネルギーが満タン! それはまさにプライスレスですね、 Wさんは下田にも友人が多いように見えますが その方たちと仲良くなったきっかけや交流も聞かせてください。 "Full of positive energy! That's truly priceless, isn't it? It seems like you have many friends in Shimoda. Could you share how you initially connected with them and how your interactions have developed?"
下田のポテンシャルに可能性を感じ、 東京の友人達を下田に連れて来ては、下田の魅力を宣伝しているそうですね。ありがとうございます。 ぜひ、Wファミリーから見る下田をより詳しく聞かせてください! "W Family sees the potential and possibilities in Shimoda, and they've been diligently bringing their friends from Tokyo to Shimoda, subtly promoting the charms of the area. Thank you for that! I'd love to hear more details about how the W Family perceives Shimoda!"
下田で暮らす我々からも素敵!と思うような下田の日常。こんなふうに愛してもらえる特別な土地であることがなんだか誇らしく思えたインタビューでした。 "It was an interview that made us feel proud of Shimoda, being a place so special and loved that even those living there find its everyday life delightful." Wファミリー、ありがとうございました。 " Thank you, W Family, for sharing your thoughts and experiences!"